I've linked up over at

Instagram is my very favorite app on my smart phone.
I love seeing the quick pictures and short stories of my friends
I follow and I love the quick and easy feedback from my friends who follow me back.
If you're not on Instagram,
you're missing a little piece of joy and fun from your day. ;)
Here is every Instagram picture I posted this past week:
Maddie playing with my phone...doing some self-portraits
while being bored at her brother's basketball game last Saturday.
She was lovin the LemeCam filter.
The boys/men say this looks like a jail mug shot.
They just don't know anything about cool filters, now do they? haha
PS: we were at Cortez High School in North Phoenix.....
this is where Alice Cooper went to high school
and I'm sure the school he was referring to when he wrote
I have been terrible since SNAP about posting my photo-a-day on Instagram.
I still need to get caught up, but here's Day 4 for May.
Regan and I were shopping baby toys for my grandson, Layton's first birthday.
Baby toy shopping is FUN!
Word of the day for May 5th....BIRD.
What a strange license plate, huh?
I blogged this a couple of days ago already
....you know, when I was being a crazy braggart mother.
I'm STILL smiling!
This past Wednesday brought us another one of those unusually scary,
but cool haboobs.
This is while the storm is moving past our neighborhood,
but hasn't quite swallowed our house
Usually you can see across this desert section a bit further,
there are several houses 'over there', then farm land,
then the Phoenix valley, and mountains way on the other side.
View. Blocked.
An official dictionary describes a haboob like this:
"A violent and oppressive wind blowing in summer, esp. in Sudan."
You know where Sudan is, right?
Until last year I thought haboobs were ONLY in the Middle East,
but we had a couple of seriously crazy storms
here in Phoenix last year that made the national news.
We happened to be up in Sadona for a few days
when the first one hit, but this is the video we saw online:
Folks, this is not photoshopped. It is for real!
That dust storm was 2 miles up into the air and
swept across the valley so quickly it'd make your head spin.
Here are several others clips of the BIG ONE from youtube, if you're interested.
But anyway, the storm in the photos above was just 2 days ago.
Apparently this recent storm was spread from at least Tucson to Phoenix to Yuma.
Um, that's a HUGE area!
Alert the media, I bought fabric yesterday!
Now I'll have to pull my sewing machine out of storage
unless I win THIS!
(not holding my breath)
Can't wait to show you what I end up making with all my new crazy fun fabric!
Anyway, the fabric cutting lady informed me that
I could download Jo-Ann coupons right to my phone with the Jo-Ann app.
Get it!
Yes, we really have a farm.
When I say 'crops', I'm not referring to scrapbook parties!
The corn is growing 3-4 inches PER DAY right now.
Cowboy says if you sit quietly on a still day
you can actually HEAR the corn grow.
I think he's serious. lol.
This is the biggest pile of human crap I've EVER seen!
And yeah, it's at the farm.
I just can't say anymore about it
cuz just looking at the picture is kind of freaking me out right now.
I just took this picture last night.
This adorable baby boy Colby was just born TODAY!
Our newest grandchild....number eight!
What a wonderful and exciting thing
to have another baby in this crazy wonderful huge family!
But I barely touched the surface of what went down over that three days.
More to come on that!
What did I NOT post on Instagram this week that I wish I had?
Baby Boy Layton's 1st Birthday!
Happy Birthday Layton!
Nana and Papa love you tons!
Let me know if you're on Instagram! I'd love to know!
If you wish to follow me on Instagram, I'm vitagirl.
Have a great week, everyone!
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