It's been a challenge to write about my experience
of attending SNAP (a conference in Utah for creative bloggers)
because there is just so much to tell
and I can't figure out where to start.
So, I'm just gonna start with
I had never heard the word SWAG used this way until
I attended my first blogging conference a year ago.
I'm still trying to understand specifically where that term comes from.
Someone recently told me it stands for
Something We All Get
Is this true?
It definitely fits!
At SNAP they SHOWERED us with SWAG!
It was over the top ridiculously awesomely unbelievable
how many sponsors
contributed to this event!
We *ALL* love free goodies, right?
I am not even kidding when I say that this
was as good or better than Christmas!
HUGE kudos to Tauni, the founder and coordinator of SNAP
for putting all of this together,
with the help of her SNAPETTES!!!
Some close-ups of what was in our HUGE FULL bag when we
checked in at the registration desk.
(a few items were actually handed out later in classes and such)
I didn't even have a chance to get everything out of the bag
and check it all out until after I got home from Utah.
But wait, there's more!
I also happened to be roommates with lovely generous ladies who brought SWAG of their own!
These fun goodies for everyone in our hotel room are from
Danielle of Sugar Blossom Boutique
all wrapped up in a darling GIRLY handkerchief and tied with a bow!
I hadn't met Danielle in person until SNAP,
but I already knew from Twitter and texts that I'd love her to pieces!
I am LOVING that Burt's Bees! Thanks Danielle!
Isn't she darling!
Check out her blog! She is sassy, stylish and SO MOD!
I also got to room with my friend,
the VERY talented Laura from Pink Cake Plate.
I can't believe these are the only pics I took of her while at SNAP!
She was in the middle of laughing her guts out
because she thinks it's funny when people try to prop doors open
......with bananas.
We had briefly met at a couple of other previous events
around the Phoenix valley, and I was happy when I discovered
that she was possibly looking for
a carpool buddy and roommate for SNAP.
It couldn't have worked out better!
I literally GASPED when she handed us this roomie SWAG she had made for us.
See HERE how she was inspired and put it all together!
Oh, then she informs us that this is only the SWAG for day ONE!
I couldn't imagine how DAY TWO SWAG from Laura could get any better,
She handmade one of these ADORABLE pouches for each of us,
with a matching covered notebook.
It was EXACTLY what I needed to hold a whole bunch
of bulky business cards in my purse,
plus I had forgotten my own notebook on my desk at home
and had nothing to jot down all the great ideas from SNAP classes!
SO in love with it!
You just have to know that I'm NOT a sewer.
Laura makes me want to become one!
(In fact, I just bought a bunch of fabric yesterday
...we'll see if I actually sew anything
...first I have to get my sewing machine out of storage...haha).
Keep an eye on her BLOG because she has big plans
to soon open her handmade shop.
I'm already on her list of customers!
You haven't forgotten me yet, have you Laura? ;)
Okay, okay, I know you're anxious to see what Laura gave us for DAY THREE.
All things sparkly and fun for the dance on SNAP's closing night.
She's a clever gal!
So now you're wondering if *I* got anything for my roommates, right?
A bag of goodies, including this handmade box containing a special little sumn sumn.
I also re-covered these notebooks with fun sparkly paper that match the above boxes.
Hey hey, we had a fourth roommate.....
My lovely daughter, Shelby.
I was so happy that she could take time out of her crazy life
to spend three days with me and all us crazy bloggers.
Shelby isn't a blogger YET, but you just watch out for her
cuz she's going to be one someday.
Right Shelby???!!! ;)
I know she had a wonderful time meeting and being inspired
by so many amazing talented ladies.
Sidenote: This girl never stops! Shelby attends college in Utah
and had just finished her semester finals the day before I arrived.
A few days later, the day after SNAP was over,
she drove by herself clear across the country to Tennessee
for her summer job.
If you live in Tennessee and you see this girl knocking on your door
(shameless plug for her tuition earnings! Ha!)
We had an honorary FIFTH ROOMMATE!
My best friend from Utah, Janeal!
She was not attending SNAP, but she's so super fun
she came and spent one overnight with us anyway!
You know what she did?
Personalized with our initials!
It was full of yummy candy (I ate it all before I got a picture)
and a fun hair flower!
I don't have a picture of just Janeal,
but that's her, second from the left, poking her head up.
We've been good friends for about 14 years.
She's awesome and she's loyal! :)
Jacklyn (Janeal's daughter), Janeal, Danielle, me, Shelby
speaking of hotel roommates.....
I decorated our hotel room with these signs
(sans photos of Zooey Dechannel)
If you've seen New Girl episode 11, you'll totally get this.
If you haven't, then you'll just have to wonder.
(PS: this show is very inappropriate's my only TV viewing guilty
(Episode 11 is the only TV episode of anything
I've ever downloaded to my phone.
I've watched it like seven or eight times.
Just writing this makes me want to watch it again!)
and speaking of more wonderful free stuff....
here are just a few of the things that were given away in drawings throughout the event.
Uh, there was an iPad and other wonderful things!
I wanted to get drawn for this SO BADLY!
Isn't it gorgeous?!
But hey, I DID get drawn for ANOTHER prize that I also badly wanted!
Really? I can't believe how lucky I am! Gonna have some big fun with this!
Looks like my roommate, Danielle, is also very lucky!!!
I've been home for almost three weeks,
but just two days ago finished putting away
all of the awesome goodies I brought home!
Now you can see why we DROVE to the conference, right?!
I knew there was no way we'd get all that on a plane.
Plus I haven't even told you yet about all the handmade goodies
we got at the Queen Bee Market
that was set up for two days during SNAP!
I hope it doesn't take me three more weeks to finish all this SNAP hoopla! haha
List of SNAP sponsors...Thanks to every one of them!

Cindy, I am so glad that you were able to join us again this year AND that you had such wonderful roommates...I think next year I need to stay with you ladies!
DeleteNext year I'm taking applications for roommates. They will be pre-selected based on the photos of their SWAG they submit with their application. haha. But hey, since you are the QUEEN WHO RULES THE WORLD on SWAG, you are a shoe-in! ;)
I can NOT believe how awesome this all looks.!
Your future roommie,
Looks like a fab time of course--glad I got to meet you! And I didn't even realize Shelby was your daughter--how fun!
ReplyDeleteHi Steph! So glad you stopped by! And yes, it was wonderful meeting you too! You are so charming and sweet!
DeleteIt was great having my daughter, Shelby along for the experience! A mom can talk about blogging and wonderful people from conferences all she wants, but it's never the same as being there! I know she was inspired by all you wonderful ladies!
Did you see the rest of our crew too? We have a few. lol. :)